Rotary Valve Systems


The system consists of a rotary valve for the discharge of granular or powdery goods (PVC, PET, sugar, flour, cement, etc.).

The sliding assembly of the system permit to reduce the rear volume of semitrailer when the Rotary Valve is not in use: so that it's possible, for example, lean the semitrailer against load surfaces without the necessity of use flats or similar.

The "hidden" assembly of the system, performed by a sliding frame from the back of the vehicle, reset the overall rear of the same vehicle so that where the Rotary Valve System is not in use, no problems arise for the manoeuvrability of the vehicle and for the possibility to access from the rear back even during the loading/unloading operations.


Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.


Available in the following Models:

(PDF data sheets)
Description of the Model
Rotocella 320 RIRotary Valve System with cast iron structure and AISI 304 stainless steel rotor.
Rotocella 320 FIRotary Valve System with AISI 304 stainless steel structure and rotor.